Storm On The Horizon Read online

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  Chapter Twelve

  "The refreshments are this way," Mr. Vallentyn said, indicating for her to go to the right. But with the light and air coming from the left, she went in that direction instead.

  "Miss Tatiana?" he called, coming after her.

  In front of her, the doors to the garden appeared. They had been thrown open to allow fresh air into the overcrowded room. She paused before stepping outside. She wasn't sure she should go without an escort.

  "Is there something wrong?" Mr. Vallentyn asked, coming up next to her.

  She refused to look at him. She couldn't. She would be lost in his eyes if she did. It would be too painful.

  "No, why do you ask?" she answered, keeping her gaze firmly on the garden.

  "You seem to be running away from me. Or is it just my imagination?"

  What could she say? It was the truth. So she said nothing.

  "Have I done something wrong? Said something that hurt you? Not said something I should have--"

  "No!" she said, cutting him off. She couldn't help it; she turned to look at him. His eyes were full of concern, his golden eyebrows drawn down. It wasn't right. Now she had hurt him.

  He took her hands in his own. "Then what is it?"

  Unable to speak, she just shook her head and turned to look back out at the garden. His hands, still holding hers, sent little sparks of heat running through her. Why did he feel so good? It wasn't fair.

  "Tatiana," his voice slid over her skin like velvet. She fought hard not to envelop herself within its delicious warmth. For the first time, he had used just her name without the polite 'Miss' before it.

  Her eyes stung. She realized she had stopped blinking from staring so hard, trying not to look at him.

  "Let's go for a walk." He let go of one hand and tucked the other into the crook of his arm, leading her outside.

  She shouldn't. She mustn't. But she couldn't stop herself.

  Kit searched his mind for something he'd done wrong, but couldn't think of anything. Could it have something to do with her sister’s engagement? Was she worried about her own circumstance?

  He led her down the path and amongst the trees, finally stopping far enough away from the house so the noise from the party was just a murmur in the background. As they moved around to the far side of a tree, Tatiana turned around and leaned back against the trunk. She looked up at him with such sadness in her eyes that his muscles tightened ready to attack the one who had made her this way—only it was he who had done it. He just didn't understand how.

  He stepped closer to her. Running a finger down the soft skin of her cheek, he forced her to look up at him. "Now tell me," he insisted.

  She shook her head, but the words came out anyway. "I'll be going home tomorrow."

  Her words cut into his heart.

  Immediately, his mind spun to her parents. Would they consider his suit if he applied to them? They had to. He knew now with an absolute certainty what he'd been toying with for the past two weeks—he loved her. He could not accept spending the rest of his life without her. No matter what it cost him. If his father disinherited him for loving Tatiana, then so be it.

  Looking at her, he knew words couldn't come close to conveying his feelings. He leaned down and gently feathered his lips against hers to show her instead. But it wasn't enough, not when she responded so deliciously, reaching up to meet him.

  Sparks flew through his mind and his body. All thought ceased. Joy, completeness and need drove everything else from his mind.

  But she was so sweet, so innocent. He didn't want to scare her with his ardor. He forced himself to back off. His body screamed for him not to—nearly to the point of pain. But he took himself in control and pulled back to look down at the woman he loved.

  She wasn't there.

  There was another woman in her place. Beautiful, glowing, powerful. Her hair was a rich, luxuriant brown, her cheeks and lips full and pink, her huge eyes an unfathomable black that left him nearly gasping in their depths. Kit blinked. "Tatiana?"

  The word was hardly out of his mouth when he heard a gasp. Lady Southburn was standing only a few feet away with her hand to her mouth, her eyes wide with shock and knowledge that she had a story to tell.

  "Lady Southburn!" The words tore from his lips.

  "Oh, my!" the lady said, gasping again.

  "You may be the first to congratulate me. Miss Tatiana has just consented to become my wife," he said, turning back to Tatiana. He almost choked. The demure young lady he'd known for the past two weeks returned. The other person, that striking woman who'd been there just a moment ago, was gone.

  Magic! He nearly trembled with shock. She'd done this. She'd masked herself from him, from the world. How could she do that? How could she hold on to her magic for hours at a time? Days perhaps? And it wasn't just her looks that she'd masked; it was her power as well. He had felt it when he'd looked into her eyes after their kiss.

  But now, it was gone. She was once again the same rather dull-looking young woman she had been. Incredible.

  "Oh! Oh, how wonderful!" Lady Southburn said, pulling Kit's mind back to the present. "Indeed, congratulations, Miss Tatiana. How very happy you must be to have made such an excellent match."

  "A little too opportune, if you ask me," his father said from behind Lady Southburn.

  "Father! Uh no, not exactly opportune… except, of course, for the opportunity. That was quite unexpected,” He turned back to her, looking deeply into her eyes as if truly seeing her for the first time, “and wonderful," Mr. Vallentyn said.

  Tatiana turned to look at him. It was the first time she'd ever heard him sound awkward. Tatiana, herself, was still reeling from his kiss, then his shocking announcement to Lady Southburn. What would her parents say when she had no right to accept a marriage proposal? Now Lord Durrington had joined them as well?

  She gripped the tree behind her for support. She knew Mr. Vallentyn had seen her, the real her, when he'd pulled back from their kiss. She couldn't have helped it—she completely lost control of her magic when he kissed her. It felt so good that she'd melted in his arms, her mind going completely blank. And she supposed she just let go of her magic.

  Odd, but she'd never lost control of her magic before. On the other hand, she'd never been kissed like that before either. She didn't know if it was the kiss, or something to do with Mr. Vallentyn.

  She was sure she'd shocked the poor man, but he'd recovered with amazing speed with Lady Southburn. His father's presence, however, especially right after so many other shocks, was clearly more than he could manage.

  Still, Mr. Vallentyn quickly caught himself. He cleared his throat and gave both his father and Lady Southburn a smile as he pulled himself back together. "You know, this is something I have thought about for some time, Father. Although I must admit, I did take advantage of this beautiful setting and the romance of the day to ask for Miss Tatiana's hand. I do hope you will pardon me for doing so, my lady?"

  Tatiana suspected he had infused a touch of magic into his words, for Lady Southburn was immediately charmed--smiling and nearly giggling. "Oh, but of course, Mr. Vallentyn. They are lovely gardens, and you are not the first to take advantage of them for such a purpose."

  Mr. Vallentyn gave his father a nervous look, and then turned back to Lady Southburn with one of his most endearing smiles. "You are too kind. Without a doubt, this is going to be the most talked about party of the season."

  "Oh my, yes!" she cooed. "Well, I must see to my guests. I do hope you will excuse me." She gave a quick nod to them all, and then scampered back to the house. There was no doubt in Tatiana's mind that Mr. Vallentyn had orchestrated that reaction with his magic.